In vitro services

Flow cytometry

Flow cytometry is a high-throughput technique enabling single-cell analysis of specific cell surface markers or intracellular proteins within a population of cells. At KinN Therapeutics AS we have the expertise to operate with large antibody panels.


Mass cytometry

Mass cytometry (CyTOF) is a high-dimensional platform for phenotypic analysis of single cells from blood, tissue, or tumor. Metal isotope conjugated antibodies enable minimal signal overlap meaning the number of parameters assessed per cell can be vastly increased as compared to traditional fluorescence flow cytometry. At KinN Therapeutics AS we apply suspension mass cytometry to preclinical studies to provide in-depth analysis and insight.

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Cell studies

A variety of drug screening strategies are available employing relevant cell lines to match the disease of interest. Mechanistic
studies for target genes or proteins may also performed with standard proteomic and gene expression techniques robustly established within the company.