“Xenograft Models of Ovarian Cancer for Therapy Evaluation” Book Chapter

Congratulations to KinN’s expert veterinarian, Mihaela Popa, on publishing this excellent book chapter ovarian cancer in xenograft models!

Popa M, Fosse V, Kleinmanns K, Bjørge L, McCormack E. Xenograft Models of Ovarian Cancer for Therapy Evaluation. In: Kreeger PK, editor. Ovarian Cancer: Methods and Protocols. New York, NY: Springer US; 2022. p. 275-93. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-1956-8_18

CCBIO’s 10th Annual Symposium (2022)

KinN presented two posters at the first in person CCBIO Symposium since 2019 and won an award for the poster “Multidimensional analysis and high dimensional phenotyping of differential drug treatment in a patient derived xenograft (PDX) model of AML.”

Principal scientist, Calum Leitch, successfully defended his PhD on small molecule inihibitors in AML on February 11, 2022.

The PhD was granted by the Univerity of Bergen for his doctoral dissertation “Identification and development of small molecule therapies for the treatment of acute myeloid leukaemia.”

Congratulations, Dr. Leitch!

Colorful heatmaps of single cell data showing marker heat in a rainbow spectrum of color with blue being no signal and red being high signal. There are nine plots shown for three CD markers and three dimensionality reduction algorithms.

High-dimensional cytometry data analysis using machine learning Webinar (January 2022)

Dr. Wogsland presented a webinar featuring one of KinN’s high-dimensional CyTOF mass cytometry data sets and her experience with various dimensionality reduction tools offered by Beckman Coulter’s Cytobank.org.

Co-founder of KinN, Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, recieves prestigious award in cancer research, October 2021

One of the co-founders of KinN, Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, recieved a prestigious award in cancer research, the King Olav V’s Prize. Dr. Gjertsen gave a special semiar at a celebration in Bergen and then traveled to Oslo to recieve the award from King Harald.

Congratulations, Dr. Gjertsen!

Poster at the European Hematology Association (EHA) 2021 Virtual Congress

In partnership with Immunicum, KinN presented a poster entitled, “Enhanced efficacy of the DCP-001 relapse vaccine when combined with Venetoclax and 5-Azaciticidine in a humanised immunocompetent mouse model of AML” with the following authors: Calum Leitch, Mihaela Popa, Satwinder Kaur Singh, Erik Manting, Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, Emmet McCormack.

Cara Wogsland, PhD joins KinN Therapeutics, August 2020

Dr. Wogsland joins KinN as a Senior Researcher and will be heading up mass cytometry (CyTOF) research at KinN Therapeutics. Her expertise lies in high-dimensional single-cell immunology of human tissues and mouse models of cancer. Wogsland has over 9 years of experience in mass cytometry, spanning the full spectrum from panel design and tissue collection to advanced computational analysis.


Solstrand Hotel & Bad

CCBIO's 7th Annual Symposium (2019)

KinN Therapeutics AS will be present at the CCBIO’s 7th Annual Symposium, at Solstrand Hotel, Os, Norway, May 13-14 2019. Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO) is a Centre of Excellence at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Bergen. CCBIO has several interests, including new cancer biomarkers, targeted therapy and tumor microenvironment.