KinN Therapeutics has extensive experience in selecting and developing clinically representative cancer models for preclinical evaluation.

Choosing an appropriate model for your preclinical research is vital, it can be the difference between success and failure in clinical trials. Our models are extensively characterized and we have great expertise using them for preclinical purposes.

Animal models

Patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models

We have generated a library of fully characterized patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models over a broad array of cancers. PDX models are established by transplanting patient material directly from the patient into mice. PDX models may therefore represent a more clinically relevant model as compared to CDX models. The PDX models are suitable for evaluating therapeutic efficiency and can be compared with standard-of-care therapy regimes. We primarily use immunodeficient NSG mice for these studies.

Cell line derived xenograft (CDX) models

KinN Therapeutics harbours a variety of cell line derived xenograft (CDX) models over a broad range of cancer types. Many of our CDX models are luciferase positive models. We have the expertise to generate luciferase positive clones of any desired cell line. We can perform bioluminescence imaging to monitor disease progression and therapeutic efficiency. We have established both orthotopic (in the organ of origin) and heterotopic (subcutaneous, intravenous) models. We primarily use immunodeficient NSG mice for these studies.

Humanized mouse models

For some therapies, a human immune system is key to effective treatment. Some models are developed using scaffolds or ossicles resembling the human bone marrow microenvironment, important for various haematological diseases. We primarily use immunodeficient NSGS mice for these studies. Please contact us for more information about testing your cancer therapy in a humanized mouse model.

Immunocompetent models

We also have a catalog of murine cancer cell lines for use in syngeneic mouse models with a fully functional murine immune system.

Please contact us for inquiries

 Cancer models

At KinN Therapeutics we are specialized in establishing xenograft models within a variety of cancers including:

  • Haematological malignancies

  • Pancreatic malignancies

  • Gynaecological cancers

  • Sarcoma

Please contact us for inquiries