KinN Therapeutics offers testing of novel compounds in a variety of in vivo cancer models. We perform a variety of preclinical services accompanying drug screening in our mice models including imaging techniques and in vitro studies.


Our suite of drug screening readouts includes multiple preclinical in vivo imaging modalities and in vitro cell assays including single cell analysis of phenotype, cell state, viability, and function. We work with you to find the best combination of readouts for your drug testing needs.

Preclinical imaging

To accompany survival data, KinN Therapeutics offers the usage of several multimodal imaging modalities. The interplay between the suitable imaging modality and the model system is essential to achieve accurate preclinical validation of cancer therapies.

Bioluminescence imaging in an orthotopic ovarian cell line model. Helland et al., PLoS One, 2014

Optical Imaging

Optical imaging can be performed using a reporter gene (bioluminescence) or by a fluorescent probe conjugated to an
antibody (fluorescence) and is thus compatible with models derived from cell lines and primary material. Optical imaging is highly sensitive due to the low signal to background ratio. The images generated and the quantification of the signal detected (both bioluminescence and fluorescence) are used to determine disease dissemination and therapeutic efficiency of drugs. KinN Therapeutics AS has developed an extensive repertoire of optical imaging strategies in various murine models.


KinN therapeutics has extensive experience using high-frequency ultrasound for tumour/organ characterisation. KinN therapeutics has access to a Vevo 2100 ultrasound system with an MS250 (13-24 MHz) and MS500D (22-55MHz) ultrasound probe giving resolutions down to 30µm. Using diagnostic ultrasound imaging we can accurately measure and characterise: volumes, vascularisation, perfusion, dynamic flow and many more physiological characteristics in 2D or 3D at frame rates up to 1000fps. The ultrasound modalities we can use are: B-Mode for anatomical imaging, M-mode for cardiovascular applications, Colour & Power Doppler for blood flow quantification and anatomical identification, Pulsed wave doppler for dynamic blood flow quantification, Contrast mode for perfusion quantification, and 3D mode.


PET/CT, short for positron emission tomography combined With computed tomography, is an imaging modality where radioactively labelled probes can be used to visualise tumor spread and mass noninvasively. We offer the use of the tracers 18F-FDG (glucose analogue) and 18F-FLT (thymidine analogue). The 18F-FDG tracer can be used on glucose avid malignancies, that is, malignancies that have a higher glucose uptake than normal healthy tissues. The 18F-FLT tracer represents an alternative for malignancies that are not glucose avid, or tumours that are located close to organs that have a naturally high glucose uptake. Using PET/CT imaging we
can assess tumor spread and quantify the difference in uptake of the tracers between treated and untreated mice.


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), utilises radio waves together with strong magnetic fields and gradients to noninvasively image organs in the body. The technique provides high resolution images and enables distinction between normal and malignant tissue. KinN Therapeutics AS has great experience using MRI in various murine models. Both 2D and 3D images can be generated.

In vitro services

Flow cytometry

Flow cytometry is a high-throughput technique enabling single-cell analysis of specific cell surface markers or intracellular proteins within a population of cells. At KinN Therapeutics AS we have the expertise to operate with large antibody panels.


Mass cytometry

Mass cytometry (CyTOF) is a high-dimensional platform for phenotypic analysis of single cells from blood, tissue, or tumor. Metal isotope conjugated antibodies enable minimal signal overlap meaning the number of parameters assessed per cell can be vastly increased as compared to traditional fluorescence flow cytometry. At KinN Therapeutics AS we apply suspension mass cytometry to preclinical studies to provide in-depth analysis and insight.

SEG data for KinN website CyTOF stuff_v2-stacked-small_v1-06.png

Cell studies

A variety of drug screening strategies are available employing relevant cell lines to match the disease of interest. Mechanistic
studies for target genes or proteins may also performed with standard proteomic and gene expression techniques robustly established within the company.