Management Team

Emmet Mc Cormack

Emmet Mc Cormack, PhD is Professor of Pharmacy, Department of Clinical Science at the University of Bergen. His research focus is the development and effective translation of novel therapies and imaging strategies for the treatment of cancer, particularly cancers with limited therapeutic options. He is board member of the Norwegian Oncology Society, Council member of the European Society of Molecular Imaging, node leader in EATRIS Imaging and Tracing platform and Chairman of KinN Therapeutics AS.

Bjørn Tore Gjertsen

Co-founder of KinN Therapeutics AS, Bjørn Tore Gjertsen, MD, PhD. is Professor at the Department of Clinical Science at the University of Bergen. Dr. Gjertsen is also Chief of Research and Senior Consultant Hematologist at Haukeland University Hospital. From 2016 Dr. Gjertsen was appointed as co-Director of Centre for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO) Norwegian Centre of Excellence, University of Bergen (UiB), and from 2017 Associate Investigator at Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway/Nordic EMBL partnership.

Jan Nore

Board member Jan Nore holds a MSc degree in Economics and business Administration from the Norwegian School of Economics and Administration (NHH). Nore is also educated Master Mariner at Bergen Maritime School. Nore has significant experience in financing, broking industries and shipping companies. Nore is currently also a Chief Financial Officer at DOF Subsea.

Line Bjørge

Board member Line Bjørge, MD, PhD, MBA, holds the position as medical director in Gynecologic oncology at Helse Bergen HF and is professor in Obstetrics and gynecology and associated investigator at Center for Cancer Biomarkers (CCBIO) at the University of Bergen (UiB). She holds the position as leader for Onkologisk Forum, is member of the board for The Norwegian Cancer Society and is one of two gynecologists in the newly established national second-opinion panel for incurable diseases. She is also active in in the Nordic Society for Gynecologic Oncology, and from 2018 she holds the position as president elect.